Monday, August 15, 2005

With or without power

So I had a busy day scheduled for Saturday: finish the laundry, clean the house, including vacuuming, watch an episode of "Dr. Quinn," etc. etc. You know, the usual weekend stuff. I got out of bed about 9:00, played with Simon for a bit, then started a load of laundry. Sat down at 9:45 to watch one episode of "DQ." Not even 5 minutes into the episode, the lights flicker once, flicker twice, flicker a third time, then nothing. Everything went dead. :( No loud boom. Just darkness. Well, we did have some light from outside.

I got up and called the electric company and they told me I was the first to report anything. YAY! Maybe that means it won't last very long.

One hour passed. Then two. Then two and a half. This wouldn't have been so bad, in say...oh September. But to have no A/C in the dead heat of August. Not. Good. After four hours without power, it was starting to get really hot inside. Simon was panting--there was no relief. I called the electric company again and the message said there was no estimated time of restoration. Sigh. So Simon and I did the next best thing: we went to Mom's. :)

Spent an hour at mom's, and by 3:00 I decided I needed to go home and get ready, as I still had some errands to run...Electricity or not.

Got home. Still. No. Electricity. :(

SIX HOURS and 85 degrees later, we finally got power. I do NOT want to do THAT again. Needless to say, I got nothing done that I wanted to.

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