Friday, August 12, 2005

Bills, bills, and more bills

I went to pay my electric bill at one of the hosting facilities here in Tulsa that will post your payments for you. Mike made out a check for half and I made out another check for the other half of the bill. Before I left, I called the facility and asked them what the surcharge was for them to process my bill. She said "$1." Whew, I had exactly one dollar in my wallet...that was it.

So I walked in and told her this was my first time to pay my bill this way, and asked her what I needed to give her. She laughed and said "Money." Hardy har duh!

I handed her the payment slip and the two checks with my one-dollar bill. "Umm, yeah, it's going to be a dollar for each check to process." What the?! "Well, ma'am, I only have this one dollar bill. That's all the cash I have on me." Her snide remark, "Then, I can't post your payment. Neeexxt." (Reminded me of the Soup Nazi.)

It took me a few seconds to process just how rude this woman had been to me. I must have looked like an idiot still standing there at the counter with my face scowled thinking, "Did she REALLY just do that to me?!" So I politely waited until she finished with the customer she was helping and said, "I called to ask how much it was to process and you told me one buck. That's what I have. Can't you go ahead and process it?" Her: "Nope."

So I stood there in the way of everyone else, dug in my purse and called Mike (with all my papers strung out on her counter--hey, I can be rude too WOMAN). I asked him to transfer the money from his account into mine so I could just write this woman one check. He said he would, so I hung up (still in the way of everyone else), wrote this broad another check and gave it to her to process.

I mean, I couldn't even write her a check for the extra buck because she would have charged me a third dollar to process that check!! You see where this was going?! We could have gone in circles with all the checks!

Then, she had the audacity after all that to hand me my receipt, smile sweetly and say, "Thanks! Have a great day!"

Urgh. Mumble under my breath. Hmph.


doug said...

She has rules Amy. I mean do you want her to lose her job because she tells you one thing and then another when you get there. lol

Amy said...

Doug-She was the manager...she had the power to change the rules. :)

doug said...

Well in that case you should have went to the restroom and wiped your butt with the dollar you was going to give her. j/k