Thursday, August 04, 2005

50 Things That Make Me Happy

Since I did 50 things that bug me, figured I outta counteract it with 50 things that make me happy. :)

1. a new outfit
2. being complimented
3. singing
4. puppies
5. hearing "I love you"
6. being hugged
7. a clean house
8. winning
9. getting new office supplies
10. telling someone "Happy Birthday" who doesn't expect it
11. goldfish snack crackers
12. my pink purse
13. finding money
14. Christmas lights
15. brownies
16. getting flowers
17. the smell of cinnamon
18. hearing my favorite song on the radio
19. presents (giving and receiving)
20. running into an old friend
21. sending shredded credit card applications back to the companies in their pre-paid envelopes
22. scrapbooking
23. taking pictures
24. leaving a big tip
25. a big glass of pink lemonade
26. putting away the groceries
27. hitting all the green lights
28. getting an extra 10% off a purchase
29. coupons
30. sunshine
31. the smell of a new car
32. getting my nails done
33. going on vacation
34. receiving comments on my blog
35. reminiscing
36. when Simon goes potty outside
37. running in a field of grass
38. Saturdays
39. movies
40. decorating my house
41. watching "Friends" before bed with my hubby
42. writing on my calendar
43. being home
44. flip flops
45. surprises
46. a good picture of me on my license
47. seeing the ocean
48. having all the lights on in my room
49. fudge popsicles
50. seeing a Dad playing with his kids

What makes you happy?


Jgirl said...

Great list! I'll share a few: watching a beautiful sunset, having a nice glass of wine after a long day, exploring the world with my toddler guy, getting my hair cut (I'm a girlie girl, too!) and sharing loud boisterous (belly aching) laughs with my husband.

Anonymous said...

#21 is great. Haven't done that in awhile. Lady Luck makes fun of me for #29. Maybe I should whip-out a coupon the next time we eat steak.