Monday, August 22, 2005

Today I...

Screwed up the time on my clock while sleeping to make it show an hour later than it really was (don't know HOW that happened!).
Woke up panicking when I saw said clock and thought I had overslept by 45 minutes.
Waved at a large dog who was staring at me in the car next to me at a signal light.
Drove fast through a really large puddle and accidentally splashed a man riding his bike on the side of the road.
Ran a red light in order to make it to work on time.
Prayed the cop sitting on the corner didn't notice my sudden impulse to have a lead foot.
While at the doctor's office, went up to the counter three times when they called my name only to find out they were calling the other "Amy's" who were also waiting. (Note to self: Pick a bizzare, uncommon name for your child in the future.)
Thought to myself "It sucks to be you" as I passed the construction workers outside working in the rain.
Apologized outloud in the car to the construction workers for being so selfish.
Thought seriously for about 10 seconds of giving said workers my umbrella, then thought better of it, as I realized they wouldn't be able to share it easily.
Pulled into the parking lot at work and saw a bunny hopping under a tree, which gave me warm fuzzies inside.

Now, it's time to get back to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

10 points for splashing the bike rider!