Thursday, August 25, 2005

Creature of habit

Same "getting ready" routine.
Same drive to work.
Same parking spot at Wal-Mart.
Same toilet in a public restoom.
Same seat at church.
Same conversation to Simon as I put him in his cage.
Same TV shows in the evening.
Same food selections.
Same polite smile when riding in the elevator with strangers.
Same websurfing sites.
Same clothes in my closet.

Everything is routine. It sure gets boring. Surely I'm not the only one.


Anonymous said...

Oh come now. Get out of that box just for fun. Even I (Mr. Conservative) can get out of my routine from time to time. 4 paths to work and enjoy them all. Mow the yard a different direction each time.

But those same old web-sites? I know what you mean. And it's time for me to go clothes shopping.

Life is better blonde said...

ugggh. mon-fri are like a blur, exactly alike. How's this for routine? Every Sunday our family eats at the California Pizza Kitchen, we eat at the exact same table, and we all sit in the exact same spot everytime and order the same thing every week. If "Variety is the spice of life" then we are seriously not spicy:)

Amy said...

Wow Elisabeth...I feel much better now...although pizza is sounding good right about now. :)