Thursday, April 26, 2007

Interview Questions

Canaan says I don't blog enough b/c she needs more reading material at work, and my sister finally gave me my turn at answering 5 Interview here are my answers:

1. If you could be a superhero with super powers, what would you be, what powers would you have, and why?
I would be the Mind-reading Blinkster. I’ve always said if I had a super power it would be that I’d have the ability to read other people’s thoughts at my whim, because well, that would just be some useful information. But since it says “powers” that means I can have more than one (YAY!) so my second power would be that I’d have the ability to blink my eyes and things would be done. For instance, I’m working on cleaning the house, and *blink* it’s already done. Or I’m taking a 17 hour road trip to the Grand Canyon and the drive is BORING, so *blink* I’m already there. Or even better, I’m trying to think of creative, but legit answers to complete my employee review discussion form and *blink* the answers automatically appear. :) Now THAT would be cool. Being invisible would be cool too.

2. If you could invent something to make your life a little easier what would it be?

I’d create a remote that would allow me to fast forward, rewind, play, pause, stop, at any point in my life. You know like the movie “Click.” Only it wouldn’t have a negative effect on my life. If I was having a crappy day, I’d just skip through it and start a new day…no repercussions.

3. If you had a million dollars how would you spend it?

First I’d pay tithes to my church. I know that sounds cliché, but I really would do that. Then I’d pay off my house and my car (probably upgrade to a bigger house). I have always said that if I had enough money I’d pay off my parents house and my in-laws' house. I hope that given the opportunity, I’d follow through with that. I’d have to blow some of it on new shoes and stuff I don’t really need, but want. Of course I’d have to feed my scrapbooking habit. Travel. And then invest the rest.

4. Since you have many hilarious stories of ‘dumb’ things you have done, please share the one embarrassing story about yourself that you find most intriguing.

While playing “Battle of the Sexes” during a game night at my house a few weekends ago, the question that the guys asked us gals was “What finds the studs in the walls?”
Here’s how the conversation went from there (names have been changed to protect the stupid—other than me, of course):
Girl 1: OH! It’s a tool that an archeologist uses!
Me: An archeologist?!?! They dig for bones!!
Girl 2: You mean an architect…or a carpenter.
Me: No! It’s not a carpenter! A carpenter builds carpet!!
(crickets chirping….)
(roars of laughter)
Me thinking: Did I seriously just say those words out of my mouth?!?
Needless to say, we did not win the game. :(

5. If you had one Post Secret that you wouldn’t mind us in blogworld knowing, what would it be?

There's something about drains and grates on the ground that bother me. I can't walk on top of them. I always go around.

Keep the good times rollin' and do the following:

01. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
02. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
03. You will update your weblog with the answers to the questions.
04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
05. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The addiction begins.

Well, after a long agonizing day last Tuesday, Mike and I finally have Dish Satellite. Unfortunately, Mike was out of town on a business trip the first day/night we had it, so I had to enjoy it alone. He called me to tell me good-night and asked what I was doing. This is how the conversation played out:

Him: What are you doing?
Me: Watching E! News.
Him: Oh's started.
Me: Hey now, this is 100% your fault. I blame you completely.
Him: Yeah, you're right. I'm the one who pushed cable.

I called him the next morning and admitted that having cable was going to be a problem for me. I stayed up until 1:00 am watching E! and then was late to work the following morning because I got caught up watching music videos on VH1. He told me not to turn the TV on in the mornings if it was going to be a problem. Hello?!?! I don't have the self-discipline...even if I have gone the past 26 years of my life without it.

Thank you very much.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Drivers Beware!

So I'm a little late posting this, as it actually happened around the beginning of this month, but it was too good to just better late than never.

These are two pictures that I took of an incident that happened in my work parking lot. They look like pictures that you'd seen in an email forward of "graphically enhanced" photos, but I assure you, they are legit, with no enhancements.

My co-worker and I came to the conclusion (although we did not witness it first hand) that the woman-yes woman-driving the car must have been yapping on the phone, digging in her purse for her lipstick, while accelerating around the corner. Lucky for her she didn't drive right into the pond that sits only a few feet away.

The car pushed the rock she landed on 2-3 feet and chipped on a huge chunk on the corner of the rock.

All in all, I give the tow truck driver mad props for actually getting this car off the rock in the first attempt. It was angled in such a way he had to "jack knife" his tow truck.

Go ahead...insult away (blonde/woman driver jokes, etc). I know you can't hold back.

Friday, April 13, 2007


Effective this Tuesday by 5:00 pm CDT, Mike and I will have officially left the Dinosaur Ages and joined the rest of America: we will officially have the Dish Network WITH.....

DVR!! Woot! Woot! This calls for a celebration! :)

Monday, April 02, 2007

Tonight is the big night!!

Amazing as it is, the NCAA bracket is down to me and one other girl, who also knows nothing about basketball. If Florida wins, she wins. If Ohio State wins, I win.

So, because you all like me so much, and how I know that you would do anything for me...please watch the championship game tonight and route HARD CORE for Ohio State!!! I can't say that I'll share the pot with you...I mean, it's only 50 bucks...but I will definitely think of you all when I'm spending it!!!! And if they lose, I'm not sure we can be friends anymore if you didn't route hard core.

Thanks much!!!!! :)