1. If you could be a superhero with super powers, what would you be, what powers would you have, and why?
I would be the Mind-reading Blinkster. I’ve always said if I had a super power it would be that I’d have the ability to read other people’s thoughts at my whim, because well, that would just be some useful information. But since it says “powers” that means I can have more than one (YAY!) so my second power would be that I’d have the ability to blink my eyes and things would be done. For instance, I’m working on cleaning the house, and *blink* it’s already done. Or I’m taking a 17 hour road trip to the
2. If you could invent something to make your life a little easier what would it be?
I’d create a remote that would allow me to fast forward, rewind, play, pause, stop, at any point in my life. You know like the movie “Click.” Only it wouldn’t have a negative effect on my life. If I was having a crappy day, I’d just skip through it and start a new day…no repercussions.
3. If you had a million dollars how would you spend it?
First I’d pay tithes to my church. I know that sounds cliché, but I really would do that. Then I’d pay off my house and my car (probably upgrade to a bigger house). I have always said that if I had enough money I’d pay off my parents house and my in-laws' house. I hope that given the opportunity, I’d follow through with that. I’d have to blow some of it on new shoes and stuff I don’t really need, but want. Of course I’d have to feed my scrapbooking habit. Travel. And then invest the rest.
4. Since you have many hilarious stories of ‘dumb’ things you have done, please share the one embarrassing story about yourself that you find most intriguing.
While playing “
Here’s how the conversation went from there (names have been changed to protect the stupid—other than me, of course):
Girl 1: OH! It’s a tool that an archeologist uses!
Me: An archeologist?!?! They dig for bones!!
Girl 2: You mean an architect…or a carpenter.
Me: No! It’s not a carpenter! A carpenter builds carpet!!
(crickets chirping….)
(roars of laughter)
Me thinking: Did I seriously just say those words out of my mouth?!?
Needless to say, we did not win the game. :(
5. If you had one Post Secret that you wouldn’t mind us in blogworld knowing, what would it be?
There's something about drains and grates on the ground that bother me. I can't walk on top of them. I always go around.

Keep the good times rollin' and do the following:
01. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
02. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
03. You will update your weblog with the answers to the questions.
04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
05. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Those are awesome! Still cracking up laughing at you building carpet. You are the coolest.... I place a close 2nd though! Hee Hee!
I love these questions on yours and your sis's. Interview me. I don't really get how it works...how do you come up w/ the questions if you don't have that book? I actually do have it, but I'm just not getting how you know what to ask. :)
BTW - LOLOLOL on the carpet comment!!
Canaan, the questions are just for fun. You just randomly pick questions that you want the person to answer. Cheri' didn't have the book, so she made my questions to me up. :)
Here are your 5 questions:
1. You have the power to go any distance into the future and, after one year, return to the present with any knowledge you have gained from your experience but with no physical objects. Would you make the journey if it carried a 50 percent risk of death?
2. If, by having a 2 inch by 2 inch tattoo, you could save five lives and prevent a terrorist attack, would you do so? If you were allowed to select the location and design, where would you have it and what would the design be?
3. Before making a telephone call, do you rehearse what you are going to say?
4. While arguing with a close friend on the telephone, she gets angry and hangs up. Assuming she is at fault and makes no attempt to contact you, how long would you wait to get in touch with her?
5. Would you accept $10,000 to shave your head and continue your normal activities sans hat or wig without explaining your reason for the haircut? (P.S. In light of recent events, I thought this was too funny not to post-assume that your friends/family would not send you to rehab. ;) )
Interview me! LOL on the carpenter comment. Really funny!
Heather, here are your 5 questions:
1. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one ability or quality, what would it be and why?
2. When has your life dramatically changed as the result of some seemingly random external influence? How much do you feel in control of the course of your life?
3. Would you enjoy spending a month of solitude in a beautiful natural setting? Food and shelter would be provided but you would not see another person.
4. Is it easy for you to accept help when you need it? Will you ask for help?
5. Which of the following restrictions could you best tolerate: leaving the country permanently, or never leaving the state in which you now live?
Great questions!
Pretty sure I am just checking out my new symbol. MWAH!
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