Friday, August 26, 2005


Putting aside all things girly for a moment, let's talk about my finger for a moment. I cut one of my finger nails into the quick earlier this week, and now it is infected. :( It is red and swollen and feels very warm. I put some medicine on it with a bandaid this morning and when I took the bandaid off at lunch I squished some puss out. Ha ha ha ha! Gross, I know.

It. Hurts. BAD.

Feel free to send gifts, money, and cards directly to my home address. Thank you.


Life is better blonde said...

Sorry:( that's the worst, I had that happen to me last year, my finger swelled to like twice it's size. Soaking it in epsom salts works better then anything! (lol, see? everybody enjoys dispensing medical advice):)

doug said...

They will only tell you at the doctors office is to take anti-biotics, and soak it in hot water, well that is what they told me when i had a hair get infected on my pinky finger. You would never think a hair could hurt so bad.