Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The future and stuff...

I always see those banner ads for classmates.com, and fell into their advertising slam a couple of years ago. I was surprised to see how many of my other high school classmates had done the same. I always find it interesting who has been married/divorced and has children. Friends that I was once close to have settled down and started families.

I'm the nerdy one who is anxious to go to the 10 year reunion and catch up on everyone's life stories. To see how many of the class clowns have grown up and out of their immature ways or how the one at the head of the class has surprisingly fallen off the level-headed plane.

I can honestly say that my life has not completely played out the way I thought it would when I walked across the stage 6 years ago, but I am happy. I am happy with the decisions I've made, and can look at my life and smile. There's still time. Time to fulfill the dreams and goals that I wrote about on the "Where do I see myself in 10 years" essay my senior year--"To become a famous Christian singer." We'll get there Mike. God is opening doors for us. Maybe not famous, but full-time music ministry. We've received His word...now we wait on His timing.

Don't know how I segued into that from classmates.com....oh well, for what it's worth. :) Check into what your classmates are up to these days...


doug said...

Amy i went to school with you, why would you want to go back and see those people. Oh but then again i never really hung out with my grade, explains that one i guess. lol

doug said...

went to check it out and gotta love these firewalls at work, Another site i can't look up.

Amy said...

That's interesting...sucks for you. I know what a pain firewalls are. :)