Monday, August 08, 2005

"It's just 'things' Amy" Mom always says. Well, THINGS matter to me, Mom!!

I love my new dog. There's not much that he does that I don't think is absolutely adorable and makes me want to love and squeeze him all day...

However, I guess we never sat down with him and told him just how much my DVDs mean to me; how much money I have invested in my time-consuming hobby; how when I am in the shower and Mike is sleeping, it is NOT okay to crawl into the entertainment center and get one of my FAVORITE DVDs and munch the crap out of it. Oh, out of the shower and found him gnawing on one of my "Friends" DVDs. I. Was. NOT. Happy. Why couldn't he have grabbed the dumb Play Station games that Mike never plays with?! Note to self and Mike: Close glass on entertainment center when not in use.

Pretty sure he got in trouble and I stayed mad at him for like ten whole minutes. Think that him getting in trouble backfired because he wouldn't play with me for the rest of the day. It is true. My dog pouts.

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