Monday, March 14, 2005

Do you have a village on your hood?

I was driving back to the office my from my dentist apointment this afternoon, just beboppin to the tunes on my radio, minding my own business, when I looked in my rear-view mirror and started cracking up laughing. Behind me was a van--on the hood of this van was a painting of a birdhouse with all sorts of birds flying around, which looked like the works of a preschool year aged child. Not only had they ruined a perfectly good paint job on their vehicle, but somehow they managed to glue (or paste, or I can only imagine what else) about a hundred different statues of animals, people, buildings, you name it on top of their hood! There was a little village standing on the top of this woman's van hood! As the woman preceded to pass me, I must admit that I hit my breaks so that I could get a better view of this woman's display of life on her van. I laughed out loud, then thought to myself, "Only in Oklahoma would people be crazy enough to actually glue stick figures of children's toys onto the top of their hood."

1 comment: said...

Actually, I have a scale model of Augusta National Golf Course on the hood of my Mercedes....complete with players and carts. (and little, teeny golf balls)