Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Mispell the word misspell...

There are only a few things that I hate more than screwing up at work...one of those is screwing up at work and being called on it by my boss. I sent out an email yesterday to some very important people in our company (President, former President, Chairman, you get the idea). I read the email and reread the email about 50 times before sending it out to make sure there were no mistakes. There is nothing more annoying than an email full of grammatical errors. And of course the pressure of having to send it to these Big Wigs anyway was enough stress. You can see where this is going...

After analyzing that stinkin email til I was blue in the face I hesitantly hit the "send" button. After about five minutes, I got a reply from my boss that plainly said, "Next time spell check." That was it! What the?!?! I brought up the sent email and read it again...and again. Then I found it, "Cheif Geophysicist." DOH! All the torturous jingles of my elementary teachers started bombarding my thoughts, "I before E, except after C." How could I have missed that one? It made me sad. I was bummed the rest of the day...so much so that I'm still thinking about it enough to write my blog about it today. It wouldn't have been so bad, except receiving that email from my boss felt like I had run out in the road and got struck by a moving vehicle with spikes on the end that had jammed into my heart. The really sad thing is that my boss probably hasn't thought another thing about it.

Why do I stress myself out like this?! I need to learn to let the small things go...

P.S. I fully admit to grammatical errors in my blog, so the need to further analyze my entries is a waste of time... (I know a couple of you that would feel the need to point them out to me now that I have made an entry about it). :)


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it noone said you have to spell things right to be smart.

April said...

The beauty of being human and being loved by God...we are allowed to make mistakes. I would have hated it the same way you do.