Thursday, March 10, 2005

Who thought turkeys could be so mean?

As I have previously mentioned, my work building sits on what appears to be a geophysical park. Along with the numerous ducks that swim in the pond and walk across the parking lot in front of you at the most inopportune times, and the squirrels that obviously don't always look both ways when crossing the road out of the parking lot, we have 3 humongous, very loud and obnoxious turkeys. The turkeys just sort of showed up one one really knows where they come from. Sometimes they disappear for several days, then reappear making that horrific gobbling noise, strutting around letting everyone know they are back.

This morning, they came back...with an attitude. I got out of my car this morning and headed for the door, and there they were strutting in front of the glass doors, pacing like a tiger in captivity at the zoo. As I started for the door on the other side, they started chasing me! It was apparent that they wanted to get to that door before I did. We went back and forth from door to door for a couple of minutes, as I was becoming more impatient and ready to throw something at these blasted turkeys (and I am not normally a violent person towards animals, although my past few posts might prove otherwise--it's not intentional). After a couple of minutes another man who works in the building starts walking up--luckily one I had never seen, and hopefully never will again...he and I both started playing cat and mouse with the turkeys as we tried to sneak into the building as the turkeys chased after us screeching with every step. The guy with me got pretty close to the door but as he reached for the handle, the stinkin turkey tried to snap at him. The man, of course, jumped back surrendering to the turkey. This went on for a few more minutes until another man came to our rescue with a bag full of bread or seed or something. Luckily, he lured the beasts away long enough for us to slither through the door. When the turkeys realized they had been deceived they ran back to the door and started banging on it with their gobblers. The man and I stood there and laughed and pointed at them for a few seconds like grade school children, then turned for the elevator.

We smiled at one another on the ride up in the elevator as we knew that we were champions for outwitting three brutally mean turkeys.

I hope they aren't still there when I go out for lunch today...

1 comment:

April said...

That is one of the funniest stories I have ever