Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Fit to be tied...

I'm at that age where all my friends are getting married. I thought that last year was the end of the weddings in my realm of friends, but lucky for two of my great friends, wedding bells are once again in the air...oddly enough, they both opted to have their weddings in October--3 weeks apart. I love weddings...everything about them: getting dressed up to see friends you haven't seen in a very long time, seeing the Bride in her beautiful gown, eating the cake, making great memories. Before my wedding, I always enjoyed going to others to get great ideas for my own. :)

I have been asked to sing at one of the weddings next month, and I gotta say, I'm a little nervous about that. I hate memorizing songs. Back in the day, I could memorize with the best of them (ask my sister, I had the entire "Little Mermaid" movie completely memorized), but now my mind struggles just to remember the obvious day to day stuff. I think it would be tacky for me to take my words up on stage with me...espcially since I won't have a pulpit to hide behind, like I do at church. :)

Along with the weddings come the bachelorette parties. :) Just had one for one of the girls this weekend, and I gotta admit, it was nothing like your typical bachelorette party. There were no jokes, no pranks, nada...just a bunch of girls having a "girls night out." Hmph. Oh well.

So Congratulations are in order for my last two single friends who will be tying the knot in just a few more days! Next we will be entering into the phase of friends having children...well, hopefully, (Lord-willing) not for us anytime soon. :)


doug said...

hmmm no finding the guys and writing on the vehicle they are in. lol

Amy said...

None of that...just some good quality girl time...

Amy said...

Not even tattooing her name on strange men, or proposing to a stranger...nada!

doug said...

Is she a nun. lol Not sure on my spelling you have to forgive me i did go to the same school as Amy and Cheri'. lol