Monday, September 12, 2005

Who me?! Nah...

I was driving to work this morning with my radio turned up pretty loud, minding my own business. As I slowed to a signal light the songs on the radio switched and I noticed that the loud hum I was hearing was not from my radio, but from my car. "Oh yeah," I thought outloud, "my brakes are going out."

A couple of days ago it started: that God-awful screeching noise that your brake pads make to let you know that they are wearing thin...except this time, mine had dual action--a high pitched screech that only a hawk would find appealing, and a lower monotone close to middle C. It's the worst feeling ever knowing that YOU are the one at the signal light making that horrendous noise. I always try to pretend it isn't know, try looking around at the other cars placing the blame on them. I mean, unless they have their windows down they really can't tell that it's coming from me.

It was less than two years ago that we changed the brakes on this car...I didn't think brakes could go out that fast. We're hoping it just needs to be adjusted. Good thing my wonderful husband knows how to change brakes on my car. That way we only end up spending $50 on them instead of letting the mechanic rob us of $300.

In any case, we need to get them changed quickly. This is so embarrassing. And besides...I'm not sure how much longer I can go on making "the others" believe that the ear-piercing noise isn't coming from me.


Unknown said...

Thanks Amy for your nice comment. Appreciate it.

Unknown said...

Ear plugs are the way to go. And then again maybe not, you won't be able to hear the radio then. That was ill thought out Gareth. Gee whizz. haha.

fwbskd - forward brake skid ........ lol how ironic!

Unknown said...

Good one Tylandman .......... sounds like you have had experience with this.
Were you the 'incher' or the 'screecher'?

Amy said...

Terry-I did that yesterday on the way home from work. I must say it gave me great pleasure to annoy the crap out of the person in front of me. :)