Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Mike and I painted the outside of our back french doors yesterday evening. We left the doors slightly cracked to finish drying and put a barstool in front of them to keep Simon from running out.

Mike and I were in the back room getting ready for bed, when I discovered the little Stinky Pot was nowhere to be found inside. We started hollering for him-Mike ran outside and I stayed inside checking all of his favorite hiding places: the garage, under the bed, in the laundry, etc.

I kept calling his name, then I heard the jingling of his collar. I opened the back door and there he sat on the patio: paint on his face and feet and a big smudge on our freshly painted doors. I was so happy to see him that I just couldn't stay mad at him. I washed his face and feet and brushed his hair then put him to bed.

We've only had him a month and a half, but I sure love that little dog...even if he is as onery as all get-out.

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