Thursday, September 15, 2005

Double the pleasure, double the fun! Oh yes, it's double mint gum!

So my boss always gives me and one of my co-workers a hard time because we will often show up to work having dressed very similar (with no prior phone calls). It's become a big joke around our department.

She and I always workout at the same time during our lunch break. But today she had a few more things she wanted to finish before working out, so I went downstairs without her. I finished my workout, and just as I was going into the bathroom to change back into my work clothes, she comes out wearing the exact same workout shirt! We both started laughing, and then I realized that not only did we have the same shirt on, we both had on black shorts and the same Nike tennis shoes! As she walked off and I entered the bathroom we both said simultaneously, "How embarrassing!"

Yeah, I think we've been spending too much time together. :)


Mark Mellang said...

LOL There's a few of us at Grad school that always seem to dress similiar.

Unknown said...

Umm ............ seperated at birth!

Amy said...

Doug--you took off the ability to add comments on your blog. :( Fix it. TY. :)

doug said...

I think i fixed it i am not sure tho.