Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Sleep much?

Don't you hate it when you have been driving for a while and you realize you don't remember driving any of the last 20 minutes? It's like your brain somehow goes into auto-pilot and you amazingly drive your car like you were on some sort of caffeine high. I did that this morning. Pretty sure I'm still in that mind-numbing, sleepy, mundane state. I'm typing these words but 20 minutes from now I won't remember a thing. The sleepiness is taking over...It's consuming me...Must. Lay. Down. Head......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....................


doug said...

Just do like me, and say screw it. Sleep in and work late to make up for it. lol

Unknown said...

Well I'm not driving anywhere near you in the future. Give me your plate number so that I know to stay BEHIND you, hehe.