Friday, September 23, 2005

I wish it were Monday?

How many times have you wished it were Monday? Probably not too many, seeing how everyone usually lives for the weekends and dreads Monday morning. Not me. Not this week. I wish it were Monday.

The big annual meeting (with 7-8,000 attendees) that I plan for an entire year is scheduled for November this year. Destination: Houston. We are already going through a lot of stress right now at work dealing with New Orleans--New Orleans was our 2006 meeting destination...that's a whole other entry.

So, for this entire week we have been glued to the CNN homepage watching frantically as Rita makes her way towards Texas. Most of our major companies (the oil hubs) closed their offices on Wednesday for the rest of the week. And all we could do was wait...and watch. And of course, pray.

So this morning, I was excited to see that it had turned slightly and was no longer headed directly to Houston (Don't get me wrong...I'm not some insensitive jerk who cares only about me and my job and not the people who are now right in the path of Rita.)

But then I got an email from my boss stating, "The TV news in Houston just reported that the George R. Brown Convention Center will be opened up to house the medical emergencies that could not be evacuated in time for the approaching storm. It appears to be a short term situation." Snort. Hmph. Sigh. Here we go again...just two weeks ago, the GRB CC sales manager assured us that all of the visitors from New Oreans would be out of the CC by mid-September. It's just been a roller coaster. Is the meeting on or off?

So, now I just really wish it were Monday. So that we could know just what we are dealing with in respect to the aftermath of Rita. Come Monday, she will be gone...then maybe we'll have some answers.

*I, in no way, mean to insult/degrade/minoritize the evacuees from Katrina or Rita. Just merely sharing the opinion of one person indirectly effected by these natual disasters. :)


doug said...

So how is everything? More stress or a stress relief?

Amy said...

Everything is good...the Meeting is of today. :)