Friday, July 29, 2005

Your never too old

Once upon a time in my younger, slightly more nerdy days, I used to collect things--amoung the many things, character/cool design bandaids was one of them (unused, mind you). Up until recently, my bandaid collection of about 50-60 styles had gone unused. As of late, I have decided that the bandaid collection is one childhood memory that isn't necessarily worth keeping--I mean, I still have my pencil collection...who needs the bandaids?!

So Mike and I (okay, mostly me) have slowly been using them as deemed appropriate. For about three weeks now, I have had a small patch of poison ivy on my arm...right where my bangle watch usually falls and sits. So, I have been keeping a bandaid over it to keep it from spreading while I have been patiently waiting (for three weeks, mind you!) for Mom or Dad to find their long lasting bar of lye soap.

This morning, I reached into the cabinet and pulled out the lucky winner for today's display: Toy Story with Woody and Buzz Light Year all over it. :) It made me smile to put it on, and I knew that my "boo boo" would be all better.

However, I was slightly offended when I went to Sonic for lunch, and as I handed my money to the chick who brought out my food, she says with a scoff, "Nice bandaid."

She only WISHES she were as cool as me.


doug said...

Hey Amy I gave Jerry Ray and Jaime my Super Ivy Dry. It works real good. I am sure they would let you use it. It works really well.

Marz said...

Amy! Your bandaid collection sounds cool... so does your pencil collection! I have collected bandaids for a long time. I recently even put my collection on a website ( but I don't have a cool blog or anything yet. Do you have any neat bandaids that I don't have?