After my sister forgot that she was supposed to take us to the airport (yes, I know she has apologized sincerely, but it wouldn't be a good recap without reiterating it), and decided to take a nap instead, Mom and Dad came to our rescue and sent us off on time. We arrived in STL and went to pick up our rent-an-Easter-egg...i mean, car (an Aveo). The guy gave us a free upgrade b/c he agreed that the Aveo was too embarrassing to drive around for an entire week in a town that we were already clearly out of our league. So instead, we got a bright blue Cobalt...yeah, that'll help us blend in. :)
We did the usual touristy stuff, with quite a few detours and U-turns, I might add. I think we covered the entire area of Saint Louis and all its surrounding cities the whole week we were there...and it wasn't on purpose.
We went up in the Arch, went to the zoo, took the Anheuser Busch tour, went to the Botanical Gardens, Grant's Farm, 6 Flags...we pretty much hit every tourist location available in STL.
We did get two front row (okay second, by choice) seats to the Switchfoot concert for free! That was the highlight of our trip. The tickets were given to us by some random passerby--come to find out, they were 50 bucks a pop! What a blessing...and a VERY good concert! The fireworks that followed were amazing! Sure beats Tulsa's puny display.
I made Mike go through his first White Castle dining experience, which he hated. He even thought that Ted Drewes, the famous Frozen Custard stop, wasn't worth the drive to find it--BOTH traditions in my family...what a disappointment. Each to his own, I guess.
Here are a few pics to highlight the trip:
Us at the zoo in the monkey house.
This was taken especially for Cheri' and Terry in honor of our penguin suit wearing extravaganza that we experienced together at ORU. This little guy has little yellow fuzz coming out of his head that blew like feathers, as he stood in front of a fan...quite entertaining, and very hilarious to watch.
Probably the only form of a sumo wrestler that I could actually come close to beating. :)
Us at the top of the Arch.
YAY! Switchfoot!!!
The Arch, and the tallest building downtown. :)
This is Mr. Freeze, a 40 second ride at 6 Flags. It travels 0-70 in 4 seconds, has a 130 degree rap around turn and shoots 226 feet straight up....Then you fall back down and go through it backwards...Yes, I actually rode it.
Mike thoroughly enjoying his first White Castle dining experience. I will note that this is the second time this picture was taken. I think I can see a little bit of the embarrassment on his face in this one...I do appreciate his willingness to stand in front of the castle twice--the entire time wondering if he might get shot at. We were definitely in the not-so-good-part of town.
Pimping Kangaroo napping at Grant's Farm.
It is good to be home, although I will travel again tomorrow. Destination: Houston.
Ok, white castle was disgusting, you're right. As for Ted few's, it took us like 2 hours to find ice cream is that good. And yes, cheri, I am the famous photographer who caught the sleeper. Amy, where are the pics of me picking mine and everyone else's nose? So disappointed.
Did you two get a shirt at Budweisers plant? I also can't belive you two didn't go to a cardinals game, Oh wait i wouldn't waste my money to watch them either unless they was playing the CUBS of course! Glad to see you two had fun.
Go Penguins!!! Glad you two had fun.
haha.. take down that sumo! .. funny pic.
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