Thursday, July 21, 2005

Oh to be young again...

Mike's sister is now 16. She has her license and got her first job at a small pharmacy/gift shop. She told me about the job and how excited she was to finally have money to buy clothes and stuff, and I just chuckled. "Well, Tammy, you just had your last free summer for the rest of your life. I hope you enjoyed it...." {Insert picture of deer looking into headlights.} "What do you mean," she asked me. I told her now that she has gotten a job and her license she was going to be working for the rest of her life to pay for all the hobbies and bills she would soon have (well, truck payments...she really doesn't have any other bills). It was almost as if she couldn't comprehend not ever having a free summer again and I wished with all my heart I could take back what I'd said. Poor girl. Not only did she get the realization that she would now be working all the live long day through what was once her sun-filled, pool-sided summer, she opened up her first paycheck to discover that the $200 she was expecting had quickly dwindled down to like 130 after Mr. Sam had taken his portion. Ahh, the joys of growing up. Welcome to adulthood, Tammy. :) It only gets better...

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