Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I've been PUNK'd...by my email server

Okay, so if you have an email account with a server, aren't they supposed to send some kind of notification that they are no longer going to be servicing email after such-n-such date?! For my personal email, I have had an account with www.myownemail.com since my freshman year in college--6 years ago!! I had all sorts of saved emails from long time friends and family, email addresses for friends from way back, all kinds of archives...(yes, I am a pack rat, so if you can only imagine how much I had saved in this account).

I check that account every single day (excluding weekends) and not once did I get any sort of notification that the site would be no longer effective any kind of date. :( I typed in the URL yesterday morning, like always, and BAM! It took me to the "Future Home of a Dotster Registered Domain." What the heck?! I thought I had mistyped the URL, so I retried typing it like 50 times...all with the same result. I have lost, with no way of retrieving, so many files. I feel like the kid who just got beat up in school for no reason. I. Am. Very. Sad.

Pretty sure I'm having a breakdown. *Sigh*

Effective immediately, my sunshine81@smileyface.com email address is no longer. :( Sniff. Sniff.

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