Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Are you a winner?

I never have been a very lucky person. I'm sure that if my life depended on me winning the lottery, I would surely die. I can probably count on one hand the number of times that I have "won" something in my lifetime. Even following all the tricks of the trade-wadding up my ticket or name card before throwing it into the pot of other contestants to increase my chances of them grabbing on to the one with the different texture has only proven successful once.

Even calling in to the radio station to win whatever daily prize they are giving away. When I worked at Allstate, there was a contest on one of the local stations where they were giving away $1,000 to caller number 10. The three ladies in the office (myself included) made a decision that we would all try to win the thousand bucks and if one of us won, we would split it three ways. We tried for a month straight to win that blasted contest every time they played the cued signal. Like trained dogs we would put everything on hold while we viciously dialed the same phone number for three minutes straight. After the first minute of getting a busy signal we knew that the winner had already gotten through, but we were each determined to keep trying for another pointless two minutes. It was so frustrating--such disappointment. Then finally, it happened...Trish's line actually started ringing instead of the usual busy tone. Not only did she get through, she won the thousand dollars! It was the best day of our lives. We were so excited we didn't work the rest of the day...we just sat around and talked about what we were going to spend our 200 bucks (after taxes) on. That was one of the few times I actually won something...and it wasn't even me who won it.

I could be in a contest between me and one other person and if it is a contest that is a luck of the draw I would lose every time. Sigh.

This frustration is brought on today because not only did I enter another contest hoping with everything inside me that I would win...I lost the stinkin contest. I should have known...I think deep down I did know, but just like the contest for the thousand dollars where I instinctively kept trying no matter how much I knew I was going to lose, I kept checking the website for the posted winners. The answer finally came this morning. My name was not on the list. :( I think the winner should have been whoever wanted it the most. I would have definately won it if that were the case.

So, whoever started the quote, "We are all winners," was definately a liar.


Anonymous said...

Now Amy you don't need luck you are blessed. But just to point out that you are now not telling the truth. Go back and read you own blog tittled All Thing Audrey. I believe in there you state that YOU won first place in the contest.

Anonymous said...
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Amy said...

You're right, I did win the Halloween contest...but I am not a liar. Re-read my entry above--it states that I can count on one hand the number of times I have won. This was one of those times.

Anonymous said...

sorry for the double post and you are right you did say that my bad