Monday, January 31, 2005

What some people won't do for love.

I read an article this morning about a man in Florida who had apparently done something that had warranted his wife to leaving him. He must have tried apologizing several times, and when that didn't work, he sent her 5 dozen roses. Aww, how sweet. That alone would have made me smile if it were my husband (of course I don't know the extent of what he did). Apparently, the 5 dozen roses were not enough of an apology and she did not take him back. So this guy buys a one-page ad in the Florida Times-Union that read, "Please believe the words in my letter, they are true and from my heart. I can only hope you will give me the chance to prove my unending love for you. Life without you is empty and meaningless." Almost brings you to tears, doesn't it? It did me, until I continued reading the article and realized this guy paid not $50, not $100, not $1,000 for this ad, but he paid 17,000 buckaroos for this heart-felt ad! $17,000!!!!!

This speaks volumes to me. It tells me that he must REALLY love his wife and wants his marriage to work for him to spend that kind of money to win her back. It also tells me that it must have been something MAJOR that he did for him to feel the need to spend that much money on an apology. The comments that I have heard on the radio about this have all been logical inquiring questions about the situation: Did she even see the article? (According to her relative she has.) Has she taken him back? (There still is no word on that.) What on earth did he do to make her leave in the first place?

But the only question that keeps running through my mind as I think about this story is what the heck does this guy DO for a living that he could afford a $17,000 apology ad?! Wouldn't it be nice to have $17,000 just laying around for such an occasion? "Oh no, I screwed things up with the wife today. I better dip into the 'Apology Fund.'" Sheesh.

Well, I hope this poor guy gets his wife back. If he doesn't, I'm sure he won't have any problems getting calls from all the money-hungry females out there just looking for a guy to throw down 17 Grand at the drop of a hat. His wife is probably at her mother's sitting on the couch, stuffing her face with mint chocolate chip ice cream and smiling because she knows the ball is now in her court.

For all the trouble he's gone through, I hope she takes him back.

For the full article, click here.

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