Thursday, January 06, 2005

Staying movitated is key

One of my New Year's goals (I don't like the term Resolution b/c I never keep those) is to get back into my workout routine. Before our Annual Meeting, I was doing really well at keeping the routine, but I basically took a long vacation from it "for the holidays." :) I decided not to start out hardcore because I knew making myself workout for 5 days out of the week would only cause burnout. So, I made it three times a week.

Monday was my first day back into the routine...well, I guess technically I can't call it a routine just yet. It takes 30 days to become a habit. After 30 days, I can call it a routine. Anyway, I decided that since Monday was the first day that I wouldn't do anything too strenuous or I would really pay for it the next day. I did an ab workout then jogged on the treadmill for about 15 minutes...not too strenuous at all, right?

WRONG! I woke up Tuesday morning and thought I was going to die! The muscles in my stomach and underneath my rib cage where streaming out in pain when I rolled over in bed. Not to mention all the times I sneezed, or laughed, or coughed--oh the agony! I knew the smart thing to do was to rest the muscles on Tuesday and not workout again until Wednesday.

As my alarm went off Wednesday morning and I reached over to turn it off, I immediately thought of my health teacher in college telling the class that it is always the second day after a workout that was the worst. She was so right! It was complete torture getting ready for work. But I survived and continued my workout that afternoon.

I guess it's going to be this way for a least until I do it often enough that my poor muscles are used to getting this much exercise. I hope I last that long.

I know I can never look like this, but it makes for some good motivation.

Well, apparently not enough, because I still am a die-hard fan for sweets and junk food. Oh well...we can't give up everything we love...

1 comment:

Jgirl said...

I hope some of your motivation will rub off on me! Abs of steel...always a good goal even if eating sweets is your fav (mine,too).