Friday, January 28, 2005

One more day!

Tomorrow is the big day...the day I have waited an entire year for, every year. My favorite day of the whole year--my Birthday. I don't know why my Birthday is such a big deal to me, but it is. I often wonder if I will still have this same excitement when I am turning 50, or even 60. I mean, I was the kid who always liked to go to school on her birthday so that I could wear the "Happy Birthday" sticker and have all the kids sing to me in class. The more people that remembered my Birthday, the happier I was. I start my big countdown on my wall like a month and a half before the actual big day.

My mom and dad always made birthdays special in our home. Mom would make us our favorite cake and if we had our party early, she always made sure we had at least one present to open on our actual Birthday. Then the day of our Birthday, we got to choose anywhere we wanted to go eat dinner. Looking back, I gotta say that I am glad that I am over the days of Chuck-E-Cheese and McDonald's (though those were two of my favorites growing up). It was a rule in our home that no one could complain about the Birthday dinner destination. Now that my sister and I have grown up, it is a lot easier to enjoy everyone's selection to celebrate their big day.

Mike asked me several times what I wanted for my Birthday and surprisingly, I didn't know. I'm not as picky anymore and will enjoy almost anything. But the question alone got me thinking about what I'd really like, and although Mike probably can't get me anything on this list (well, maybe a couple of things), it was fun just to think about it and write down the things that I would love to get for my Birthday:

1) For to finally announce the release date of Season 5 of the Dawson's Creek DVDs.

2) The sun to shine.

3) Gas prices to go down (my tank is nearly empty and it is currently $1.89!).

4) Meet someone famous.

5) "Peace and harmony" for one day (oh wait....that's what my mom always asks for...nevermind on that one).

6) All my bills paid for one month...wait a minute--if I'm asking for bills to be paid, might as well make that for an indefinite period of time. The sky is the limit, right?

7) A rose.

8) The remaining amount of money I owe for my wedding picture album so I can pick it up (she finally called and said it was ready yesterday). Well, I guess if I'm asking for my bills to be paid indefinitely, I shouldn't be so selfish and ask for more money...I guess I'll scratch this one. I'll have enough money to pick them up on Monday when I get paid. It wouldn't hurt me to have to wait two extra days...I mean, I have already waited 7 months!

9) A big ole snuggle-bunny hug and a smoocharoonie from my niece. :) Haven't gotten one of those in over a week. :(

That should be enough. I'm not asking for too I?

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