Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The bug

I was going through my saved personal email and stumbled upon an email from my dad that he sent over a year ago. It immediately brought a smile to my face and I suddenly began to remember how this email came about a couple of years ago. My friend Doug sent this to me originally, and it was quite fitting for him to do so. Although Doug and I get along really well, he has a knack for finding the things that really "bug" me and playing on those.

I hope you get as much laughter from this bug as me and family have. (You will need sound.) It's been passed around and passed around, and I would like to pass it around one more time...for old time's sake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy are you trying to say you want someone to smash me. You know I never do it on purpose, oh by the way did you find the last wrapper I put in the couch.