Monday, January 10, 2005

If I had my way...

The sun would always shine.
Chocolate (or any sweets for that matter) would not make you fat.
Everyone would make the same very high salary.
Reruns of "Second Noah" would air on PrimeTime.
Everyone would have manners.
I would have a pet panda bear, and it would not eat me.
Terrorism would not exist.
Cute shoes would actually be comfortable.
Past friendships would not be forgotten.
We would not pay taxes.
Marriage would actually mean something to society.
Technology would slow down a little so we could actually enjoy the latest invention.
Pet peeves were non-existant.
Car accidents never happened.
Dancing would be fun for everyone.
Everyday was a celebrated holiday.
I could blink my eyes and be somewhere or do something.
My house would clean itself.
Bills would not be necessary.
Dreams would be realized and fairy tale endings would come true.

If I had my way, life would be more enjoyable.

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