Thursday, April 20, 2006

When it says get gas, it means it!

So I learned the hard way the first week I got my car over two years ago that when the gas light comes on it means it-Get gas! Do not pass go! Do not collect 200 dollars! Go straight to the gas station and fill her up.

I left for work yesterday morning with just enough gas to get to work and get home (with just a little to spare). While I was out running some errands at lunch I looked down and for some reason, my gas gauge had moved UP to above a quarter of a tank--while I was driving...The look on my face as I looked down at it increasing was nothing short of perplexed and intrigued. But I kept on trucking it back to work.

There is a QuikTrip right by my work, but with all of the blasted construction going on there, it is a nightmare to get in and out, so when I got off work, I opted to drive a couple of miles to the QT at 81st and Lewis. Um, to my dismay, the QT that once existed there was no longer!! Bwack! I have always considered myself one with attention to detail, but it is now clear that since I drive past that imaginary QT every single day and I never noticed it missing just proves otherwise!

So I keep on trucking knowing that the next gas station isn't for another like 5 miles...

You guessed it...5 miles was too far car sputtered and croaked leaving me stranded on the side of the road still a good 15-20 minutes away from home. Lucky for me, I have good reliable friends that I can call to help me make fun of myself. I am the coolest cat alive I tell ya.

So I guess I could go one step further and let you know that I am so into making fun of myself that I actually took pictures while stranded on the side of the road...only thought better of posting them on here...I figured it would show my blogging obsession a little too much...and we all know that you all have plenty of things to make fun of me for as it is...

The pictures will remain unposted. :)


doug said...

Well been there before, only i have sputter out of gas right in front of a gas station not 1, not 2 but 3 times. Yes you heard me right, now i carry a gas can. lol

April said...

C'mon...I want to see the pictures!! :)