Yesterday marked one of the worst days that Mike and I have had in a very long time. Anything that could go wrong, did. I was already feeling "blah" after the weekend I had, I woke up yesterday for the second day with a throbbing headache, but I was still expecting it to be a great day--one of the better ones I'd had in a while. But as the day progressed, I just kept getting more and more bad news. By 4:30 I had the "I hate today" feeling.
We are having revival services at church this week. God has some big things in store for our church and for Mike and I...otherwise Satan wouldn't feel the need to try so hard to attack us. And boy did he try to attack us yesterday-from every direction.
Last night while Mike and I were leading the church in the praise and worship portion of the service, it started sounding like a stampede of horses were running on the roof of the church...the longer it continued I realized that it was hail...very large hail (baseball size) beating down on the building. And even as we continued to press in and continue with the music, water started coming in from the roof and the floor-something had split in the guttering or the roof because it was coming in from the ceiling and the walls. Before the night was over, water had come in and flooded a good portion of the sanctuary.
As we were driving home from church, Mike and I were quiet. Then after a long silence Mike said, "I feel like Job today." Remember the story: Satan told God, if you remove the hedge of protection around your most faithful and blessed servant, Job, I can get him to curse You to Your face. So God allowed some things to happen to Job: he lost all of his family, he lost all of his cattle and animals, he lost all of his finances, he got boils on his skin-everything that could possibly happen for the worse in his life, happened. And God allowed it. But Job was faithful-and even in all that time of hurt and struggle, he continued to praise God. He never cursed Him. So I asked Mike, "Are you still praising Him?"
I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and nothing happens without purpose. So even though yesterday was a lousy day and everything seemed to go wrong in the physical sense, I know that God is taking care of Mike and me in the spiritual sense. God is faithful and He has never failed me. God has a plan for our lives. And even though we can't see the end result, I want to praise Him because I know He will come through. I do not want to put my focus on the situation, but on the revelation that God has given us. I am expecting God to do great things in our lives. And because I am expecting, I know that He will.
We were one of the more forunte ones. Mike's parents no longer have a sunroof or a back windshield. Thank God for $0 deductibles. At least we won't have to pay anything to have ours fixed. :)

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