So this was a bulletin on My Space that I thought was fun, so I thought I would post the humorous results of what Google thinks I look like. Google "(Your name) looks like" and see what interesting results you get.
Amy looks like she's about two rhinestones away from a wardrobe malfunction.
Amy looks like she was hit by a train, and skipped the ER coming straight to the MTV awards.
Amy looks like a Tesco checkout girl with a drinking problem.
Amy looks like a really tall Cabbage Patch Kid who holds a little dog.
Amy looks like a bouncer at a drag bar.
What do you look like? :)
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
So there is nothing more annoying than going to replenish your makeup and you discover that they no longer carry what you have always used!!! Believe me, I have been to every Wal-Mart in the Tulsa/Sand Springs/Sapulpa vicinity, and my journeys only ended with disappointment. Now I have to start a new adventure of finding a new lipstick that is exactly the way I like it. Sigh. It took me years to find this one to begin with.
Young at heart
I love it when a part of my job requires me to dig out my markers and color things! It makes me feel like a kid in grade school again. Today I had to draw a grid and use different colors to indicate different things on the grid.
When I finished making the grid, I was almost tempted to just draw something on a blank sheet of flip chart paper and spend the rest of the afternoon coloring. Thought better of it when I looked down at my hand and realized I already had black marker all over it. I don't remember coloring being this messy, but it sure is fun!
When I finished making the grid, I was almost tempted to just draw something on a blank sheet of flip chart paper and spend the rest of the afternoon coloring. Thought better of it when I looked down at my hand and realized I already had black marker all over it. I don't remember coloring being this messy, but it sure is fun!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Hum that tune!
Don't you hate it when you get that annoying song stuck in your head and it just keeps playing over and over in your mind? You try everything humanly possible to remove the tune from the barriers of your mind, but you just can't shake it. And, not to mention, it has to be the annoying's never any good ones that you might actually enjoying humming more than once.
I get in trouble many times at my house for singing "in the meadow we can build a snowman" because 95% of the time it's never the season of green and red jolly. I don't know why, but that song will just hit me at random moments in my everyday life...and it's always just that one phrase!! :) (Keeps me in the Christmas spirit year-round, but I'll admit, it is annoying.)
So today I have one going through my head, which isn't the annoying part...I can't remember what the name of it is!! And it doesn't really have words-just a bunch of bah dee buh dahs, so I can't even ease my tortured mind and go look the song up.
Other annoying songs to get stuck in your head:
"Blue" (the one that the entire song sings about things that are blue)
"I'm In Love With a Stripper"
"Long Neck Bottle"
"Who Let the Dogs Out"
What are annoying songs that get stuck in your head?
I get in trouble many times at my house for singing "in the meadow we can build a snowman" because 95% of the time it's never the season of green and red jolly. I don't know why, but that song will just hit me at random moments in my everyday life...and it's always just that one phrase!! :) (Keeps me in the Christmas spirit year-round, but I'll admit, it is annoying.)
So today I have one going through my head, which isn't the annoying part...I can't remember what the name of it is!! And it doesn't really have words-just a bunch of bah dee buh dahs, so I can't even ease my tortured mind and go look the song up.
Other annoying songs to get stuck in your head:
"Blue" (the one that the entire song sings about things that are blue)
"I'm In Love With a Stripper"
"Long Neck Bottle"
"Who Let the Dogs Out"
What are annoying songs that get stuck in your head?
It's not PC to say Happy Secretary's Day, so...
Happy Administrative Professionals Day to all you hard working office fools like myself. You get paid the big bucks to take care of everyone else's crap. So today is your day to celebrate, unless of course, you work at my company, in which we are waiting until tomorrow to celebrate so our Executive Director could be here to celebrate with us.
Oh well, pizza and cake will be had by all tomorrow--woo hoo!
Oh well, pizza and cake will be had by all tomorrow--woo hoo!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
When it rains, it pours...
I don't normally write anything real serious or heartfelt here, but today I am making an exception because I need to give God some praise today.
Yesterday marked one of the worst days that Mike and I have had in a very long time. Anything that could go wrong, did. I was already feeling "blah" after the weekend I had, I woke up yesterday for the second day with a throbbing headache, but I was still expecting it to be a great day--one of the better ones I'd had in a while. But as the day progressed, I just kept getting more and more bad news. By 4:30 I had the "I hate today" feeling.
We are having revival services at church this week. God has some big things in store for our church and for Mike and I...otherwise Satan wouldn't feel the need to try so hard to attack us. And boy did he try to attack us yesterday-from every direction.
Last night while Mike and I were leading the church in the praise and worship portion of the service, it started sounding like a stampede of horses were running on the roof of the church...the longer it continued I realized that it was hail...very large hail (baseball size) beating down on the building. And even as we continued to press in and continue with the music, water started coming in from the roof and the floor-something had split in the guttering or the roof because it was coming in from the ceiling and the walls. Before the night was over, water had come in and flooded a good portion of the sanctuary.
As we were driving home from church, Mike and I were quiet. Then after a long silence Mike said, "I feel like Job today." Remember the story: Satan told God, if you remove the hedge of protection around your most faithful and blessed servant, Job, I can get him to curse You to Your face. So God allowed some things to happen to Job: he lost all of his family, he lost all of his cattle and animals, he lost all of his finances, he got boils on his skin-everything that could possibly happen for the worse in his life, happened. And God allowed it. But Job was faithful-and even in all that time of hurt and struggle, he continued to praise God. He never cursed Him. So I asked Mike, "Are you still praising Him?"
I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and nothing happens without purpose. So even though yesterday was a lousy day and everything seemed to go wrong in the physical sense, I know that God is taking care of Mike and me in the spiritual sense. God is faithful and He has never failed me. God has a plan for our lives. And even though we can't see the end result, I want to praise Him because I know He will come through. I do not want to put my focus on the situation, but on the revelation that God has given us. I am expecting God to do great things in our lives. And because I am expecting, I know that He will.
We were one of the more forunte ones. Mike's parents no longer have a sunroof or a back windshield. Thank God for $0 deductibles. At least we won't have to pay anything to have ours fixed. :)
Yesterday marked one of the worst days that Mike and I have had in a very long time. Anything that could go wrong, did. I was already feeling "blah" after the weekend I had, I woke up yesterday for the second day with a throbbing headache, but I was still expecting it to be a great day--one of the better ones I'd had in a while. But as the day progressed, I just kept getting more and more bad news. By 4:30 I had the "I hate today" feeling.
We are having revival services at church this week. God has some big things in store for our church and for Mike and I...otherwise Satan wouldn't feel the need to try so hard to attack us. And boy did he try to attack us yesterday-from every direction.
Last night while Mike and I were leading the church in the praise and worship portion of the service, it started sounding like a stampede of horses were running on the roof of the church...the longer it continued I realized that it was hail...very large hail (baseball size) beating down on the building. And even as we continued to press in and continue with the music, water started coming in from the roof and the floor-something had split in the guttering or the roof because it was coming in from the ceiling and the walls. Before the night was over, water had come in and flooded a good portion of the sanctuary.
As we were driving home from church, Mike and I were quiet. Then after a long silence Mike said, "I feel like Job today." Remember the story: Satan told God, if you remove the hedge of protection around your most faithful and blessed servant, Job, I can get him to curse You to Your face. So God allowed some things to happen to Job: he lost all of his family, he lost all of his cattle and animals, he lost all of his finances, he got boils on his skin-everything that could possibly happen for the worse in his life, happened. And God allowed it. But Job was faithful-and even in all that time of hurt and struggle, he continued to praise God. He never cursed Him. So I asked Mike, "Are you still praising Him?"
I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and nothing happens without purpose. So even though yesterday was a lousy day and everything seemed to go wrong in the physical sense, I know that God is taking care of Mike and me in the spiritual sense. God is faithful and He has never failed me. God has a plan for our lives. And even though we can't see the end result, I want to praise Him because I know He will come through. I do not want to put my focus on the situation, but on the revelation that God has given us. I am expecting God to do great things in our lives. And because I am expecting, I know that He will.
We were one of the more forunte ones. Mike's parents no longer have a sunroof or a back windshield. Thank God for $0 deductibles. At least we won't have to pay anything to have ours fixed. :)

Thursday, April 20, 2006
When it says get gas, it means it!
So I learned the hard way the first week I got my car over two years ago that when the gas light comes on it means it-Get gas! Do not pass go! Do not collect 200 dollars! Go straight to the gas station and fill her up.
I left for work yesterday morning with just enough gas to get to work and get home (with just a little to spare). While I was out running some errands at lunch I looked down and for some reason, my gas gauge had moved UP to above a quarter of a tank--while I was driving...The look on my face as I looked down at it increasing was nothing short of perplexed and intrigued. But I kept on trucking it back to work.
There is a QuikTrip right by my work, but with all of the blasted construction going on there, it is a nightmare to get in and out, so when I got off work, I opted to drive a couple of miles to the QT at 81st and Lewis. Um, to my dismay, the QT that once existed there was no longer!! Bwack! I have always considered myself one with attention to detail, but it is now clear that since I drive past that imaginary QT every single day and I never noticed it missing just proves otherwise!
So I keep on trucking knowing that the next gas station isn't for another like 5 miles...
You guessed it...5 miles was too far car sputtered and croaked leaving me stranded on the side of the road still a good 15-20 minutes away from home. Lucky for me, I have good reliable friends that I can call to help me make fun of myself. I am the coolest cat alive I tell ya.
So I guess I could go one step further and let you know that I am so into making fun of myself that I actually took pictures while stranded on the side of the road...only thought better of posting them on here...I figured it would show my blogging obsession a little too much...and we all know that you all have plenty of things to make fun of me for as it is...
The pictures will remain unposted. :)
I left for work yesterday morning with just enough gas to get to work and get home (with just a little to spare). While I was out running some errands at lunch I looked down and for some reason, my gas gauge had moved UP to above a quarter of a tank--while I was driving...The look on my face as I looked down at it increasing was nothing short of perplexed and intrigued. But I kept on trucking it back to work.
There is a QuikTrip right by my work, but with all of the blasted construction going on there, it is a nightmare to get in and out, so when I got off work, I opted to drive a couple of miles to the QT at 81st and Lewis. Um, to my dismay, the QT that once existed there was no longer!! Bwack! I have always considered myself one with attention to detail, but it is now clear that since I drive past that imaginary QT every single day and I never noticed it missing just proves otherwise!
So I keep on trucking knowing that the next gas station isn't for another like 5 miles...
You guessed it...5 miles was too far car sputtered and croaked leaving me stranded on the side of the road still a good 15-20 minutes away from home. Lucky for me, I have good reliable friends that I can call to help me make fun of myself. I am the coolest cat alive I tell ya.
So I guess I could go one step further and let you know that I am so into making fun of myself that I actually took pictures while stranded on the side of the road...only thought better of posting them on here...I figured it would show my blogging obsession a little too much...and we all know that you all have plenty of things to make fun of me for as it is...
The pictures will remain unposted. :)
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I love stupid crooks.
If you are going to be stupid enough to be a crook, be smart enough to be a good one. Unlike this lucky fellow. Only in Oklahoma...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
It's so pretty outside.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
This weekend I...
finally joined the rest of America and watched "Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe."
after much procrastination, finally cleaned my car--inside and out.
found some interesting goodies hidden in my car: CD cases, movie stubs, a ping pong ball, three cans of smelly good stuff, two coats, a purse, and a partridge in a pear tree.
got warm fuzzies inside when I finally received a package in the mail I had been waiting weeks for.
forced Simon to dance with me to "Baby Got Back" while I cleaned my house...once again, he thoroughly enjoyed himself.
made a two-layer white chocolate strawberry cake for Easter lunch at Mom's.
watched a little kid pick his nose in the car next to me and wondered what was so tasty about boogers that enticed kids to eat them.
finished watching the final season of the "Dawson's Creek" DVDs that I bought a couple of weeks ago.
Happy Saturday all!
after much procrastination, finally cleaned my car--inside and out.
found some interesting goodies hidden in my car: CD cases, movie stubs, a ping pong ball, three cans of smelly good stuff, two coats, a purse, and a partridge in a pear tree.
got warm fuzzies inside when I finally received a package in the mail I had been waiting weeks for.
forced Simon to dance with me to "Baby Got Back" while I cleaned my house...once again, he thoroughly enjoyed himself.
made a two-layer white chocolate strawberry cake for Easter lunch at Mom's.
watched a little kid pick his nose in the car next to me and wondered what was so tasty about boogers that enticed kids to eat them.
finished watching the final season of the "Dawson's Creek" DVDs that I bought a couple of weeks ago.
Happy Saturday all!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Make light of a busy day
Today has been a busy and hectic to make light of such a long day I...
wrote my name on a mini EtchASketch that Kevin gave me.
watched a man back into a parking space and then have to move his big SUV when he got and realized the car next to him couldn't open the driver's door. :)
bought a pack of Skittles so I could "taste the rainbow."
read some interesting things that one could do with Easter peeps.
thought about putting on my Mardi Gras hat and mask while I ate my lunch so that I could scare the bajeezus out of the window cleaners if they dropped by while I was eating.
tried to think of a good Easter prank to pull on someone since I didn't get to pull any pranks on April Fool's...which proved unsuccessful.
asked myself why people feel the need to talk louder to someone speaking another language actually thinking this will help them understand better what you are saying.
smiled at the sunshine.
Happy Wednesday all! :)
wrote my name on a mini EtchASketch that Kevin gave me.
watched a man back into a parking space and then have to move his big SUV when he got and realized the car next to him couldn't open the driver's door. :)
bought a pack of Skittles so I could "taste the rainbow."
read some interesting things that one could do with Easter peeps.
thought about putting on my Mardi Gras hat and mask while I ate my lunch so that I could scare the bajeezus out of the window cleaners if they dropped by while I was eating.
tried to think of a good Easter prank to pull on someone since I didn't get to pull any pranks on April Fool's...which proved unsuccessful.
asked myself why people feel the need to talk louder to someone speaking another language actually thinking this will help them understand better what you are saying.
smiled at the sunshine.
Happy Wednesday all! :)
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
This week I...
finished "The Da Vinci Code"-looking foward to the movie now.
managed to eat all of the packages of peanut butter cookies from the snack box, then transferred to the mini Oreo's when I realized there weren't any PB ones left.
skipped like a school girl to my car just because it was sunny outside and I could.
laughed out loud when my sandal heel got caught in the tar in the parking lot and I tripped and fell.
looked around to see if anyone noticed that I had fallen. They did not.
watched a good friend play basketball.
secretly wished I had taken up cheerleading in a former life while watching said basketball games.
sped like a Russian racehorse to church Sunday night only to realize I had been driving without my license.
said "Woo hoo!" at least 27 times in one day...I'm going for a record here.
became afraid for the obsession America has with reality TV when I saw that they were bringing "Fear Factor" the first season to DVD...are people really going to by that?!
It's been a great week. Happy Tuesday!
managed to eat all of the packages of peanut butter cookies from the snack box, then transferred to the mini Oreo's when I realized there weren't any PB ones left.
skipped like a school girl to my car just because it was sunny outside and I could.
laughed out loud when my sandal heel got caught in the tar in the parking lot and I tripped and fell.
looked around to see if anyone noticed that I had fallen. They did not.
watched a good friend play basketball.
secretly wished I had taken up cheerleading in a former life while watching said basketball games.
sped like a Russian racehorse to church Sunday night only to realize I had been driving without my license.
said "Woo hoo!" at least 27 times in one day...I'm going for a record here.
became afraid for the obsession America has with reality TV when I saw that they were bringing "Fear Factor" the first season to DVD...are people really going to by that?!
It's been a great week. Happy Tuesday!
Oh the sweet children
So it's been really windy out here in Tulsa lately. I was standing at my window on the 5th floor looking down on the parking lot and something down below caught my eye: Two small girls, probably around 4 or 5 were standing by their mother's mini van hugging one another and dancing around like little girls do while their mother was working on getting another infant child out of the van and into a stroller. A piece of art that looked like a rainbow made of construction paper hanging on a hangar, probably made by one of the girls, flew out of the van and under the car next to it...both little girls oblivious to their art making a sudden dash into the wind. The mother turned her back to all three children as she worked feverishly to get the rest of her gear out of the van. The infant in the car seat was the only one that caught sight of the rainbowed paper flittering around and reached out to grab it. Suddenly, the infant's car seat starts to roll down the parking lot as the wind captured it--the infant with her arms flailing about still concerned with catching the papered rainbow. The two little girls started to dance around to the other side of the van, obviously not noticing that their smaller sister was rolling away.
By now, the smile on my face was undeniable...I wanted to go down and help this poor woman, but I knew that by the time I made it down there, she would realize that all of her children were not in the places she last saw them. Then she finally turned around and was a little humerous to watch her running back and forth trying to round up the older girls and running to catch up to her suddenly-16 infant who decided to take a drive around the lot. As she finally gathered up her children and her gear, one of the older girls noticed the papered rainbow under the car. As they walked into the building like nothing had happened, it made me was a nice few moments of entertainment. But I definitely know now that I do not want three children...too much to handle! :)
By now, the smile on my face was undeniable...I wanted to go down and help this poor woman, but I knew that by the time I made it down there, she would realize that all of her children were not in the places she last saw them. Then she finally turned around and was a little humerous to watch her running back and forth trying to round up the older girls and running to catch up to her suddenly-16 infant who decided to take a drive around the lot. As she finally gathered up her children and her gear, one of the older girls noticed the papered rainbow under the car. As they walked into the building like nothing had happened, it made me was a nice few moments of entertainment. But I definitely know now that I do not want three children...too much to handle! :)
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Moms-you gotta love 'em!
My mom cracks me up. This weekend she and I ran some errands together in Tulsa. On our way home, we were driving down Avery Drive, which is a windy road along the Arkansas River that leads from Tulsa back to Sand Springs. As we were driving I looked over on the side of the road and could have sworn I had seen a beaver peeking out of the tall grass checking things out. We made light of it and joked about the possibility of it actually being a beaver.
I just came back from a meeting and had a voicemail from my mom that went something like this: "Hi Amy, it's Mom. I was just driving down Avery Drive...someone squished your beaver. Just wanted you to know."
What the?!?! Thanks Mom. I really wanted to know the ill-suited fate of my new furry friend. Sniff. Sniff. Thanks a lot.
I just came back from a meeting and had a voicemail from my mom that went something like this: "Hi Amy, it's Mom. I was just driving down Avery Drive...someone squished your beaver. Just wanted you to know."
What the?!?! Thanks Mom. I really wanted to know the ill-suited fate of my new furry friend. Sniff. Sniff. Thanks a lot.
Woo!! Woo!!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Public Service Announcement
(steps up on soapbox)
I'd like to take a moment to speak to all of you morons that toss your burning cigarettes outside your car window as you drive away: Thanks to one of you, I had to call 911 to report a grass fire that you started--heading straight for someone's house. Next time you finish puffing on your lung-cancer giving stick, be smart enough NOT to throw it out your window--especially when there is a flippin burn ban going on around here. Ugh.
(steps down off soapbox)
I'd like to take a moment to speak to all of you morons that toss your burning cigarettes outside your car window as you drive away: Thanks to one of you, I had to call 911 to report a grass fire that you started--heading straight for someone's house. Next time you finish puffing on your lung-cancer giving stick, be smart enough NOT to throw it out your window--especially when there is a flippin burn ban going on around here. Ugh.
(steps down off soapbox)
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