Monday, May 16, 2005

What's for lunch?

I've been nearly starving since I walked into the office this morning. I thought that my morning snack of strawberries would ease the torture of my hunger pangs, but all it did for me was leave seeds in between my teeth. The time finally came when I was ready for the lunch I brought. I pulled out of the freezer the South Beach Diet box with a delicious looking picture of penne noodles and chicken mixed with an orangy-red sauce. This was the first time I bought this particular frozen meal, but was very excited about it based on the picture on the front of the box.

I started to get a little nervous when I took the meal out of the box and placed it into the microwave. Something about the way the sauce was gooped in one spot on top of the noodles and chicken told me that this meal was going to be questionable, but I continued on getting my meal prepared. My stomach continued to growl as I pulled the now steaming carton container from the microwave tray and removed the plastic wrap to stir my lunch. It smelled okay--not great, but okay. I went to my office and closed the door, then sat down at my desk to relieve the pain in my stomach. I was completely disappointed when I sunk my teeth into the rubbery chicken and floppy noodles. Another meal wasted. I couldn't even bring myself to finish the carton of food. The first few bites was enough to tell me if I continued eating it, I would be seeing it again later.

I dug the box with the deceiving picture on the front out of the trash and began to examine to the box....nope, I was right--it wasn't there. I thought for sure that the company would have clearly marked the disclaimer on the front of the box, but it was no where. I should write the frozen food idustry and make them vow to put the following disclaimer on the front of their boxes: "The wonderfully delicious meal that is pictured on the front of this box is NOTHING like the contents within. Be advised that the meal inside is a completely different substance matter than what is pictured on front."

I'm sure if that label was clearly printed on the box, it would remind me in the future whenever I attempted to buy another frozen meal for my lunch. Lesson learned.

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