Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Another workout battle

I've just been having a run of bad luck on my ventures to working out. My co-worker and I decided to walk outside to enjoy the beautiful weather (high 80s) instead of lifting weights inside. We went to the basement to change into our workout gear and I noticed I had forgotten to pack my socks. Grrr...

I went ahead and put my tennis shoes on and we headed out the door. Feeling a slight surge of energy (and feeling somewhat guilty for not having worked out in 5 days) we decided to take the long route...which means mastering the gigantic hill--the one where she and I vowed not to speak to one another while attempting to climb the monstrosity...I hate to admit it, but it takes every last ounce of breath and energy for me to make it up this monster.

As the top of the hill was finally in reach and we were back to comfortable speaking levels, I mentioned the slight irritation on the back of my heel where my tennis shoe had decided to dig a bite into my heel. Being the stubborn, tough girl that I am, I declined her offer to turn around and head back to the office. After about another hundred feet I began to wince at the pain that my shoe was causing on my foot. I finally caved and admitted defeat as I moved over to the side of the road and removed my shoe from my left foot. Despite the scorching temperatures of the blacktop (I opted to walk on the small amount of concrete next to the curb), and the obvious fashion statement I was making, I proceded on back to the office with one shoe on and one shoe off.

With the end of the road in sight, a black truck with two twenty-somethings in the seat, pulled up next to us, and actually had the audacity to stick their heads out the window and say, "Hey, you lost your shoe." My co-worker and I blatantly stared back at the two idiots with a "are these guys for real?" smirk on our face as we continued walking. For you guys seeking advice from a mildly, decent looking person: Do not think it is cool to pull up to two strange young women and procede to point out the obvious. This does nothing but make you look like an idiot and desperate for attention. Just. Keep. Driving. And certainly, don't drive back around for a second peek after said young women give you the obvious "we are NOT interested" glares as they continue walking.

I managed to make it back to the office without passing out or having my co-worker carry me (the thought did cross my mind, and I did mention it). I survived--I felt like a wuss, but I survived. Got myself a decent workout and four blisters on my foot in the process. I'd say it was worth it.

1 comment:

doug said...

That is just gross Amy, you should always wear socks or just not go.