Thursday, May 19, 2005

It's not my fault.

Just so we are clear, I take NO responsibility for my appearance today. All of the credit goes to the wonderful thunder/rain storm that we have been having this morning that caused my electricity to blow halfway through my process of getting ready.

I stood there in the bathroom getting ready to curl my hair when all of a sudden, the lights are gone. The irony here is that I had previously played this scenario in my mind as I was standing in the shower hoping that I wouldn't be left standing in the dark with the water running. I scrambled around to get the flashlight and quickly lit a candle. Luckily, I got to use my curling iron while it was still hot--it was difficult to do that though, with only the light from a candle.

I am almost ashamed to admit I said this, but it is a typical "Amy statement," so I'm sure you'd expect nothing less. I frantically called Mike and told him I guess I'd have to stay home from work today, or at least until the power came back on. When he asked why, I said, "Well, because my car is in the garage and the power doesn't work so I can't get the door open..." (insert jokes about Amy here) Then he precedes to tell me, that all I have to do is manually lift up the door to get it open....DUH! I knew that....I'll blame that one on the weather too--I was all flustered from the power being out that I couldn't think clearly. :)

After all that, I forgot to wear a belt today. :( Might as well blame that on the weather too...everything else is because of the weather today.


doug said...

You couldn't look as bad as the day in Mexico, when Mike and I kept knocking on your door.

Amy said...

No, you are right...I will never look that bad again! LOL!

April said...

Lol! :)