Tuesday, May 17, 2005

There is a difference.

There is nothing like standing in the office kitchen cutting up some fruit to snack on, minding your own business, when someone from behind you in their most nasally, whining voice says, "You're so skinny." I'm talking Fran Drescher nasally. I pretended like I didn't hear it or that they weren't actually talking to me and continued to cut my apple. Obviously she wanted to be clear that she was talking to me, so she walked up behind me, put her hand around the back of my arm and said it again.

I started gritting my teeth, turned around with my fake smile plastered on my face, and said (obviously annoyed), "Ummm, thank you?"

Those that don't know me well, this is one of my big pet peeves. Why don't people understand how rude it is too walk up to someone and say that? Especially with that condescending, nasally tone, "You're so disgusting." That's what I hear when people say that me, when they say it that way. You don't walk up to an excessively obeise person and say, "You're so fat."

I'm probably going to get a lot of flack for this post, but I don't care. There is a difference between someone complimenting me and someone degrading me. That tone was not a compliment.

*Stepping off my soapbox now...*

1 comment:

doug said...

Sorry Amy I should have figured that teasing you about it since ummmm birth that you would get that way.