Saturday, December 18, 2004

We caved.

The excitement that I have for Christmas reminds me that I still have that innerchild inside of me. I finished all of my Christmas shopping, and like a 10-year old girl I crawl up beside the tree each evening and just stare at all the packages underneath it. It can be really overwhelming sometimes as I think about what could be inside of each of the ones addressed to me and as I think about each person's response to opening the gifts Mike and I bought them.

This is mine and Mike's first Christmas together as a married couple. Lucky for me, he has the innerchild inside of him also. Each night as I start to brush my teeth before bed, I can hear the rustling of the wrapping paper as he sorts through the presents and picks out the most oddly shaped ones addressed to him and tries to guess what is inside. I never let on if he is remotely close, but usually he hits them right on the money. I just smile and say, "I don't know...guess you'll have to wait and see."

This morning was just like any other Saturday (except that it is the start of my last vacation of this year). We finished eating breakfast and Mike asked me when we were going to do our Christmas together. I, of course jokingly, said "" I could see the flash of delight come over his face as he said, "Really?"

We came to the conclusion that we would open one present from each other. So, we fished all the presents that we had bought for one another out and grouped them together so we could pick the perfect one to open a week early.

Thank goodness for that little innerchild in both of us...our eyes got big and we got so excited that we decided to open them all! So we had our Christmas a week early. It was so much fun. Mike did a wonderful job buying gifts for me...he always does. He seemed to enjoy the things I got him (well, he should have! I bought him most everything he wanted from his list!)

So now, while everyone else is still lurking around their trees at night shaking packages and wondering what they got, Mike and I get to enjoy our gifts already.

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