Saturday, December 11, 2004

The curse

Being married has taught me a few of them being that my husband, bless his heart, is not a prefectionist. I, on the otherhand, am the evil spawn of perfectionism. I don't know why I grit my teeth when I see an empty pop can setting on the counter instead of in the trash, or why my stomach makes this weird gurgling noise when I see that my DVDs aren't in alphabetical order.

Some would consider this trait a blessing...I, however, feel compelled to let you know that it is a curse. Yes, it is great that my house is clean (most of the time) when unexpected guests arrive at my house. And yes, I do smile when I walk into a clean bathroom to take a shower. And yes, I get warm fuzzies when the house has been freshly vaccumed. But, who lives like THIS?! I hate not being able to leave a candy cane wrapper on the sofa or not being able to sleep at night knowing there are two dirty bowls laying in the sink in the kitchen. I can't even enjoy a meal because I am constantly thinking about how quickly I'm going to have to clean up after.

It certainly hasn't always been this way. Growing up, my family would have to get shots just to open up my bedroom door and not be infected with some crazy disease that was likely growing on the piles of dirty dishes under my bed. Oh the joys of being younger when cleaning my room consisted of stashing everything under the bed or in the closet. Why can't I be blessed with that apathy once again?

And I'm not like this in every area of my life--I practically live out of my car...or one would assume so by the contents laying within. The backseat is not even presentable. And don't get me started on my desk in the office. I just can't help it that the papers just keep piling up...I have no more storage to hold it all!!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that everyone has their own quirks about things that have to be done a certain way. For some, it is the way they fix their hair, for others it is the way they do their work. For me, it is a clean house. It is a long road before me. I long for the day when I might be able to sit through an entire movie at home without thinking about the laundry or the dishes or...oh that a candy cane wrapper hidden secretly under the couch? Better pick that up before that rash breaks out on my arms...


Anonymous said...

I is 2 a perfekchunist.?

Anonymous said...

Oh come on Amy you know now that anyone who reads this is going to put candy cane wrappers on your coffee table. I think you can guess that i will be the first, if i can ever get over there to visit you two sometime.