I certainly couldn't, which is why these two little guys, which were the only two left after having shared the others with my family, did not get eaten.
They suffered a worse fate...they got stale and I had to throw them away. :(
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." --Jeremiah 29:11
Except you did eat the head off of MY rice krispy treat!! :) Poor Guy!
Hi Amy,
Just wanted to pop over from the Nest to say "hi!" Your snowmen are cute, almost too cute to eat!
I decided to try a blog over here, too. Another person from over here posted on my blog and it seemed way more organized and user friendly. No big ERRORS every time I tried to post.
How do you like it? It's a BIG world over here.
Feel free to drop by my blog sometime:)
Jgirl2 (a.k.a on the NEST "J & M")
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