Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The game

So, it has been extremely quiet this week in the office, seeing how there are only three people here on my side of the building: me, my boss, and one other Meeting Planner. Everyone else is on vacation. Truth be told, I haven't been very productive this week because I keep thinking about everyone else who is having the time of their life while I am stuck in the office. Okay, okay, so I had my vacation last week, but I still think if the majority of the office is going to be gone this week for vacation, so should I.

To my delight, I received an email from my boss a few moments ago that was sent to my entire department. It read: "We have really been busy this week with you gone." Then, it gave instructions and a link on how to play Polar Bear Batting Practice.

Click to make the penguin jump, then click again in time for the polar bear to hit the penguin across the ice.

This game is very addicting! It was nice to know that even my "higher ups" aren't very productive this week either. :) He actually came down and watched me play for a bit. My high score was 321 (his was 311).

We spent the entire time arguing that what he claims to be a "polar bear" is really a "yeti" (according to the sign)...either that or the big white guy from "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer." Makes for one scary polar bear if he's right...

This made coming to work today all worthwhile. :)

1 comment:

Jgirl said...

That game is addicting. Especially if you are unable to hit the penguin on the first few trials (like me!)

I vote "yeti" or possibly Rudolph's friend.

Hope you had a great holiday!