Is there something from the past that you wish you could take back or do over to make it right? I am only asking this because I have a confession to make, and I don't want to be the only one regretting something from the past. . .
Yesterday, a co-worker was walking around the office passing out home-made brownies that she had made that morning. As she came into my door and offered me one, she asked if I wanted two (she was really wanting to get rid of them). Trying to be polite and save some for the "others," I declined her offer for an additional brownie.
WHAT was I THINKING?! It wasn't until I sunk my teeth into the moist, chewy corner of the brownie she had left with me that I immediately wanted to run down the hall and beg her for another. This brownie was like no other I have tasted before. I kept picturing everyone in the office mobbing her chanting with their fists in the air, "We want more! We want more!" Or was I the only one who truly thought this brownie was divine? The hall was quiet--not a single movement or peep could be heard. Was everyone else relishing in the fact that they had just tasted a small, sweet piece of heaven? Or had they already stampeded their way to her office and beat me to the last few delicacies?
I got up from my chair and tiptoed to the door, careful not to let anyone hear me, for fear that they might run me over in hopes that a few extra seconds ahead of me might win them the prize. No one was in the hall so I grabbed some papers from my desk and began to casually walk in her direction. Maybe if I had work-related material in hand, no one would think I was scheming to get one of the last few sweet treats.
To my dismay, as I rounded the corner to her office the brownie tray that was once filled with warm, chocolate pieces of delight only moments before, now lay empty, cold, and stale. I would not be able to forgive myself for declining this rare, special treat. She was no where to be seen. I quickly snuck up to the empty tray and to my surprise, there was a small corner that had fallen onto the plate that no one had claimed. I looked around me in all directions, to be sure no one was watching...then I scooped up the brownie corner and shoved it in my mouth. It was heaven. Then, I turned around and headed back for my office with a smile on my face.