Monday, August 06, 2007

This week I...

watched our speakers at church catch fire. During service.
spent two hours at Guitar Center finding replacements for said speakers.
took Simon to get his hair shaved off.
laughed at Simon when I picked him up from the groomer's. :)
got surprised and momentarily overwhelmed when I looked at my calendar and realized I only have 6 weeks until Annual Meeting.
layed out and caught some not-so-obvious rays at the pool.
reunited with two very great friends. At the same time. In the same place.
drove to Pauls Valley, America for my nephew's birthday.
shopped with a million other folks just to save a few bucks.
didn't buy anything in the process.
danced enthusiastically to songs on the radio to stay awake on the drive home.
watched "Kiss the Girls" for the first time and loved it.

1 comment:

Sweet Yet Sassy said...

I like it when you post these.