Tuesday, August 07, 2007

PGA has its pros...

and I don't mean the Pro golfers.

Thank God for the PGA being in Tulsa this year-and that's not because I'm really into golf. I'm definitely not. The sport bores me for one...probably because I just down right suck at it. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that since the PGA is in Tulsa, the city ordered the construction crew on the 71st street/Hwy 75 area to open up all lanes of traffic again (instead of just two lanes we now have four). I'm assuming they did that to help with the traffic in that area. But I'm definitely not complaining about the reason. I'm just happy they did it. For a week I get to enjoy driving to work without the annoyance of the orange and white barrels.

Woo hoo!!

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