Friday, August 24, 2007

31 days...

until my favorite time of year...Fall TV Premiere Week! Unfortunately for me, I will be in San Antonio for our Annual Meeting, so will likely miss the entire week of all TV show premieres, so my DVR will be completely full when I return two weeks later to catch up! :)

Here's a preview of what my line up will be:

7:00-7:30: How I Met Your Mother (CBS)
9:00-10:00: CSI: Miami (CBS)
9:00-10:00: October Road (ABC)-Starts mid-season

8:00-9:00: Chuck (NBC)
8:00-9:00: House (FOX)
9:00-10:00: Damages (FX)-Unless the season is over by then

9:00-10:00: Lost (ABC)-Starts in February

8:00-9:00: CSI (CBS)
8:00-9:00: The Office (NBC)

I am still very bitter about investing 9-10 weeks into 4 new shows last year only to see them get cancelled that the only new show I am taking on this year is "Chuck." And that's only because the previews for it look SO dang funny! Any other show will have to wait until they are picked up for a second season before I will watch.

What shows will you be watching?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Oink Oink

I've had four Jamba Juices today. That's right. FOUR.

I blame that solely on my boss. Well, both of them actually. One for bringing a large ice chest full of them to work today, and the other for talking me into trying all of the different flavors (yeah, he had to try real hard to talk me into it. I promise.).

I've been a little oinker today. But they were yummy!!

Monday, August 13, 2007


Last night at Carl's Jr, some of the kids in my youth group started teasing me about the weird OCD things that I do. They made me list all of my quirkiness, which got me thinking about why I do some of these things. And I couldn't come up with a reason, so I'm just going to list them for you instead:

1) I won't step on sewer grates or grates of any kind on the ground. I always walk around.
2) I write words and a certain "heart" shape in the air with my finger. Randomly.
3) When eating a bowl of cereal, I have to eat one or two pieces dry before I put milk in the bowl.
4) Speaking of cereal, if there are different colors (i.e. Trix, Fruit Loops, Cap'n Crunch, etc) I must eat one color at a time.
5) The clock in the car must always be displayed.
6) All of my DVDs must be alphabetized.
7) The clock in my bedroom must be set 10 minutes fast.
8) When on a phone call, I doodle words that I hear in the conversation.
9) When I sit down at the piano, I have to play a "C" chord first.
10) The clothes in my closest must be organized first by style, then by color.
11) I always take my shoes off when I drive home from work. No other time.
12) I can only write with a certain blue ink pen in my Planner.

What are some of yours?

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Note to Self...

When you pull into the garage, be sure to pull all the way in before closing the garage door. Otherwise, you will be left with two deep scratches on your back bumper that will cost $300 to replace.

Thank goodness for $0 deductibles and good insurance. :)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

PGA has its pros...

and I don't mean the Pro golfers.

Thank God for the PGA being in Tulsa this year-and that's not because I'm really into golf. I'm definitely not. The sport bores me for one...probably because I just down right suck at it. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that since the PGA is in Tulsa, the city ordered the construction crew on the 71st street/Hwy 75 area to open up all lanes of traffic again (instead of just two lanes we now have four). I'm assuming they did that to help with the traffic in that area. But I'm definitely not complaining about the reason. I'm just happy they did it. For a week I get to enjoy driving to work without the annoyance of the orange and white barrels.

Woo hoo!!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Lord of the Flies

Something happened between this weekend and last at our house because in the last few days Mike and I have been noticing more and more flies in our house. Buzzing around-being annoying like they do. I thought we had a few, but I had no idea how many until Mike grabbed the swatter Saturday night and just went to town killing. Of course, in true Simon fashion, he tucked his tail and ran for the bedroom because he's a wuss and frightens at the drop of a hat. So I went into the back bedroom with him and closed the door as Mike continued away wiping out flies with the swatter.

Fifteen minutes later Mike comes in to let us know that he's killed an army of flies. I walked into the kitchen and sure enough, there were about 20 laying helplessly dead on my kitchen floor...not counting the ones he killed by the window and blinds. I couldn't believe it. I think a couple got in and had babies!! They multiplied like rabbits.

This morning I got up to make my breakfast and heard that taunting buzzing sound around my head. Ugh. They were back. I grabbed the swatter and just tore into them. Before you know it I had killed like 5 and had plenty more to demolish. After a few minutes I realized that I was making comments outloud to them:
"Come on suckers!"
"Land you punk!"
"I'm gonna squash you like a fat kid on a bike."
"Who wants to die next?!"

Then I wondered if it was wrong that I got such pleasure out of extinguishing so many at one time. Heck no, I decided and continued swatting away.

After 10 minutes had passed and they all lay helpless on the floor, the sink and the counter, I felt a Queen. Like I could conquer the world. Then that power quickly fizzled as I realized how long it was going to take me to clean them all up.

This week I...

watched our speakers at church catch fire. During service.
spent two hours at Guitar Center finding replacements for said speakers.
took Simon to get his hair shaved off.
laughed at Simon when I picked him up from the groomer's. :)
got surprised and momentarily overwhelmed when I looked at my calendar and realized I only have 6 weeks until Annual Meeting.
layed out and caught some not-so-obvious rays at the pool.
reunited with two very great friends. At the same time. In the same place.
drove to Pauls Valley, America for my nephew's birthday.
shopped with a million other folks just to save a few bucks.
didn't buy anything in the process.
danced enthusiastically to songs on the radio to stay awake on the drive home.
watched "Kiss the Girls" for the first time and loved it.

Friday, August 03, 2007

My dog

My dog, Simon, is really funny. He makes me laugh. A lot. But, as much as I love him, sometimes, he's a little annoying.

Whenever I have a day off or a chance to sleep in, he doesn't like it. Starting around 7:30 or 8, he sticks his nose in my face to wake me up. If I don't wake up, he licks my face. Usually, I push him away and roll over and that satisfies him for another 15-30 minutes. Then he comes back and does the same thing. All he wants is for me to get out of bed and go into the living room with him. So sometimes, I will go open the blinds in the living room for him to look out, then go back to bed...but before long, he's back licking my face trying to get me to go in there with him.

The annoying part is that every single time I give in b/c I can't sleep anyway with him licking my face, I'll go into the living room and sit on the couch with him or fix my breakfast whatever...Five minutes later I look for him and he's back in bed in the bedroom!! You stinking dog! Tell me why I had to get up out of bed just so you could go back in there and lay down. Sigh. He really is a smart dog--I think he just wants my "spot" on the bed so he can sprawl out and get comfy. Little stinker!