Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving is over

Thanksgiving has come and gone one more time, and sadly, I am thankful for that. I realized something this Thanksgiving that I think I always knew, but just never wanted to say outloud. I don't like Thanksgiving. I mean, don't get me wrong-I love the opportunity to give thanks for all the blessings in my life, and having time off of work is always nice. But I noticed something about Thanksgiving this year that just seemed to explode more this year than in years past. Thanksgiving brings out the negative in my family--too much stress and drama, and if it's all the same to me, I'd rather do without all that. I never have cared for the food, so I really wouldn't be giving up much. So despite my previous annoyance with people to skip Thanksgiving and go right into celebrating Christmas, I think after this year I have changed my opinion and it's very possible that next year I will do the same.

Mike and I decided that to avoid all of the chaos and drama next year, we'd just bump our New York vacation up a week and go during the week of Thanksgiving. Solves that problem. :)

1 comment:

Sweet Yet Sassy said...

Sounds like someone needed to resign/redate this weekend! ;)