flew to Dallas on an on-time flight (YAY!!!).
rented our car and drove straight toward Houston.
realized how much time we would have before the concert so we stopped at The Woodlands mall on the way in.
bought some stuff.
tried to find something to eat downtown and everywhere we went was either closed or had too long of a wait.
ate concession food instead.
made fun of the pre-opening act with others we befriended around us (he sort of sucked).
counted down the minutes until The Hives got off the stage so the real concert would start.
screamed, sang, hooped, and hollared during the concert.
screamed, sang, hooped, and hollared during the 30 minute encore. :)
drove straight to Dallas getting sleepy about 2:00 am.
found a parking garage near the airport and slept in the car for two hours before the car rental place opened.
returned the rental and boarded our ON-TIME flight home at 8:00 am.
made it home by 9:30 and were able to catch 2 hours of sleep before Mike's big ceremony. YAY!
A special thanks to my sister, Kristi, and Candice for the calls/texts throughout the night to make sure we were still alive. :) It was greatly appreciated.

YEA! I am glad you had a good time. And more imporantly I am glad you made it home alive. :)
P.S. Congrats to the Rev.
I feel really OLD just reading that, because I don't think I would ever attempt an adventure like that! Glad it was fun and you made it back safe.
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