Driving to work in the dark makes me feel like it's already winter. And when I think it's winter already, my mind starts thinking about Halloween, and Thanksgiving, and...Christmas shopping! You know, I always say that summer is my favorite season, and it IS! BUT, whenever fall finally gets here, I think deep down I really enjoy the season and all the fun stuff that comes along with it...like the fair.
We went to the fair twice this year. We went Friday to the Switchfoot concert, which was awesome! They never disappoint me and I always leave their shows super pumped about seeing them again soon, then I have to listen to their CDs for like two weeks straight. However, with the Maroon 5 concert only 10 days away, I've been jamming out in my car to nothing but M5 since the Switchfoot concert.
But back to the fair-we usually only go for the food. And with the concert as the only exception, that is the reason we went this year too. Between Mike and I, we ate: An Indian taco, fudge newberg, cheese on a stick, chicken gyro, cheesecake on a stick, funnel cake and lots of pop. I feel fat just thinking about it now.
Upcoming CD's I plan to purchase: Carrie Underwood "Carnival Ride" on Oct 23, Britney Spears "Blackout" on October 30 and One Republic, sometime this fall. I can't wait.
Speaking of Britney, I think I've been reading too much Britney coverage lately. I had a dream last night that she and I hung out together for a day. But in my dream, it was pre-post partum Britney...not crazy Britney.
We went to a costume party on Friday and hosted one at our place on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. I always enjoy dressing up-this year as Mrs. Pirate. (I'll post pics soon) Saturday we went on a scavenger hunt around my neighborhood, which was fun, although I was surprised how many houses told us they didn't want to help us. LOL Only a handful closed the door in our faces without saying much. :) We ended up having a tie because our team "borrowed" a few items since I knew the neighbors, so the other team didn't think that was fair. I guess it wasn't, but still our stuff was cuter than theirs. :)
My aerobic class was officially cancelled because they couldn't find a teacher to commit. BUMMER. I'm really sad about this, because Monday nights were the only nights I was actually excited about working out. ha ha I need to think of a good motivational reward for working out consistently...suggestions?
Next Thursday, I am changing offices at work. I'm moving three offices down and sharing an office with my co-worker/friend. We are quickly running out of space here at work and cube land is rapidly taking over our floor. :( I agreed to split an office with Canaan since she is my friend. :) ha ha I've been in my current office for 4 years, so I'm afraid I may continue to walk in on the newbie since I am a creature of habit. A few things I will miss about my current office: the printer is right outside my door; the elevator is a straight shot from my office (ha ha), and the view of the parking lot from my window that has created many funny
blog stories. I think I may have a window watch party my last day in this office. But I'm looking forward to some things too: new furniture, sharing an office with my friend, and we've talked about getting a fish...which sounded like a good, fun plan until she mentioned taking turns cleaning out the fish bowl. :( I'm the person that wants pets with no responsibilities, so I'm going to have to think really hard before committing to a pet, which has been temporarily named Fred. :)
Mike and I have already started Christmas shopping, but we still have a long way to go. We didn't want to be bombarded with hundreds of dollars worth of presents all at once like last year. Hopefully we can stay on top of this, since Christmas season is also Birthday season around my family.
Okay, I've rambled plenty...if you are even still reading this, I'll be surprised. :) Congratulations...you've made it to the finish without killing over. Two kudos for you.