Thursday, October 19, 2006

Kids crack me up

I went to the orthodontist yesterday, and usually they get me in and out in 15 minutes. They switched offices about six months ago, so I ended up sitting in the waiting room for 30 minutes with a crowd of people. While I was sitting there waiting to be called, a mom with 3 boys and a girl about two years old walked in and made themselves comfortable on the couch.

I watched as the oldest boy played with his GameBoy while the little girl played in the corner with some toys. The two middle aged boys, about 7 and 9, watched over their mother's shoulder as she looked at a magazine with Halloween costumes.

Finally they were called and the oldest boy got up to go back. His mother followed and took the little girl, but told the 7 and 9 year olds to wait out there for her. The 7 year whined pretty good for about 2 minutes until she finally shut the door in his face and he gloomily shuffled back over to the couch and plopped himself down exasperated.

He picked up the magazine his mom had been looking through, tossed through the pages for a few seconds, then suddenly just chunked it down on the table while letting out a huge sigh and exclaimed, "There's nothing good to read here!!" Then he threw himself back on the couch and yelped, "Darn Yankees!"

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