Tuesday, January 17, 2006

All hail the orange and white

I hate construction, and I'm convinced that because of my lack of enthusiasm for the orange and white tape, Tulsa has decided that the major intersection right by my work needed a make-over of sorts. And it shouldn't surprise me that this long-awaited widening of the streets will take the full year of 2006 to complete...I've seen entire neighborhoods built in less time than it takes for the city to patch up one hole in the road. I had come to terms with the fact that I would have to get up a little earlier to account for the extra time it would take for the now one-lane traffic to filter through the intersection, until this morning...when I made it up to the intersection ready to make my left hand turn to go one block to my work entrace when I saw it and it hit me--like a fly being sqaushed flat by an angry woman in the kitchen who has had her can-full of the insect landing on her freshly baked pies. NO. LEFT. TURN. Ugh. So, not only was I running a little behind schedule, I know had to go out of my way to turn back around and go right just to make it that one block to our entrance. I'm going to have to completely redo my drive into work to avoid this intersection.

So, here's to orange and white barrels for the REST OF THE YEAR!

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