Amy - Means: Beloved |
Decade | Popularity | Rank |
1900's | | 196 |
1910's | | 244 |
1920's | | 284 |
1930's | | 356 |
1940's | | 331 |
1950's | | 136 |
1960's | | 35 |
1970's | | 2 |
1980's | | 16 |
1990's | | 61 |
Rank shows how popular the name is in the corresponding decade. A rank of 1 means it is the most popular name for that gender. A rank of 1000 means it is the 1000th most popular.
Bar graph statistics are compiled and published by the Social Security Administration, based on samplings of applications for Social Security cards.
Find out how popular your first name has been over the past 100 years, just click here and enter your first name.
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